Back to the Future was intended to be a standalone movie. When it was a huge success, the studio asked Bob Gale and Robert Zemeckis for a sequel. The script for that sequel was so long that they broke it up into two parts. The first movie had wrapped up all of the loose ends…
Category: Talio’s Codex
Hooks and Pegs: The Joy of Sequels
I finished the (8th) draft for Talio Rossa and the Elixir of Life, the sequel to Talio’s Codex. My first sequel! And boy did I learn a lot. One of the most interesting things was that the book(s) before the sequel you’re writing start freezing certain details in amber. Mentioned how big a trial jury…
Audiobook Rights to Talio’s Codex Sold!
I’m so pleased to announce that the audio rights for Talio’s Codex have been sold to Tantor Media. I’m really looking forward to hearing it. Announcement J. Alexander Cohen’s TALIO CODEX, an epic fantasy and legal thriller in a city of canals and holy magic, where a secret relationship between a disgraced legal advocate and…
Interview – The Halfling and the Spaceman Podcast
I recently had a great chat with Janet and Roger Cardin of the Halfling and the Spaceman podcast about my newly-published book, Talio’s Codex, and a whole other bunch of writerly things. They were warm, welcoming and very funny. You can tell they have been doing this for quite a while, and have the rhythm…
Interview – Finding the Magic Podcast
Had a great time talking with Tricia Copeland on the Finding the Magic podcast! Not only did we talk about my current novel, Talio’s Codex, but also the sequel that I’m working on – Talio Rossa and the Elixir of Life. The sequel’s all about medical-legal court cases and ethical issues, and we discussed how…
Talio’s Codex – Deleted Scene (“Sex With Cale”) – Reader Discretion Advised
Here’s another bit I cut out of a very early draft of Talio’s Codex. Originally I deleted this scene for length, and then I decided it was better left out. First mention of ‘personal grease’ (lubricant). Cale’s original name was ‘Ched.’ This scene was intended to be a compare-and-contrast between Cale and Pazli: while sex…
Interview – The Power to Pivot Podcast
I was so excited to speak to Elizabeth Miles on the Power to Pivot Podcast about cozy-adjacent fantasy, my writing, Talio’s Codex and a whole bunch of other topics (how to introduce kids to adult topics, for example)! She’s a great interview – have a listen!
Talio’s Codex – Deleted Scene (“Visiting the Auranian Incarnite Temple”)
Here’s a bit I inserted into a late draft of Talio’s Codex, but decided to remove. After their eventful evening in Aurania on the committee junket, Talio decides to seek spiritual counsel at the local Incarnite Temple. This played up the theme of religious difference and Talio’s lack of belief, and finally showed at least…
Talio’s Codex – Deleted Scene (“Laundry Day”)
Here’s a bit I cut out of a very early draft of Talio’s Codex. Note that in the version Dovuta is the one accused of murder, ‘Magistrate Jilani’ is ‘Magistrate Palane,’ and ‘source and return gutters’ are ‘service and utility gutters.’ Lots of non-canon things in this excerpt. This scene was intended as worldbuilding to…
Early Reviews of Talio’s Codex
Here are some excerpts from reviews for Talio’s Codex: